

I want to empower you to become fluent in the language of your own body. I am merely a guide providing, space, presence, and occasional nudges on the path to fluency and understanding.

Our bodies hold our stories. The stories of our joys, loves, longings and deepest sorrows. Our bodies can bind and store these painful stories, so they become physical and emotional symptoms.

I offer a form of bodywork called Listening touch. It’s a subtle way of working with the body that places the stories it holds at the centre of the session. Through compassionate witnessing touch your body is given permission to unlock and unfurl.

A session is a nurturing, relaxing experience, a space where you can completely drop into deep rest. The quality of touch is light, with gentle pressure or holding of areas of the body. Performed on a shiatsu mat or massage couch.

Listening touch provides a container for your body to reveal what it is holding, so emotions may arise, or flashes of insight. In some cases, it may be appropriate for us to dialogue about what is being revealed and journey deeper into a part of the body. This has the potential for providing rich insight and learning and most importantly, a sense of empowerment. Your body holds the questions and the answers it needs. I act as your guide back to that wisdom.

I am also a qualified reflexologist, a form of bodywork that acknowledges our feet as reflections of our body, its systems, and stored emotions and traumas. Using the feet as a portal in this way can restore balance to our mind, body, and soul. I weave reflexology into my listening touch and 1:1 yoga sessions but also offer reflexology as a stand-alone treatment.  

If you want to find out if listening touch could help you and discuss treatment pathways, book a consultation call →


Treatment prices are for 1 hour and sliding scale:

Low income €40

Average income €50

Above average income €60


Explore interconnected sessions and one to one packages that combine some of the other tools I work with. Book a consultation call →

  • I have found deep healing through my relationship with nature and specifically the plants and trees. I want others to experience the immense healing available to them right outside their door.

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  • Reflexology works on the principle that our feet are a reflection of our body and its systems. By using thumb and finger techniques on specific points the body is encouraged to come into balance.

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  • We cannot fully experience the beauty of the world around us if we are not at home in our own bodies. For me, yoga has been my way back home. I would love to share this “homecoming” with you.

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 — Book a discoverycall —

To discuss how we could work together, book a discovery call →